
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 IS ALL NEW! But still delivers the same quality content you've grown to expect.

I love teaching art. I love seeing the pride on a students face when they complete a successful project.  That is why I became an art teacher.  Teaching art is like giving a gift with every lesson.

Last winter I got the crazy idea that I wanted to teach even MORE art. I just wasn't satisfied with the amount of art lesson gifts I was giving! "I should teach more!!"  I reached out to my local park district and was able to get some classes scheduled for this summer.  "More!!" I also worked closely with a  business owner in my hometown.  I would be able to rent a space from him in the fall and schedule very small after school classes.  Truth be told, it was my husband.  He owns a music store and would have some available space, so I jumped at the chance.

Here is my table at our local park district's Summer Class Expo.  The tablecloth matched my blouse, and potential clients had the chance to make some art!  
I still was not satisfied with that amount of art I'd be sharing in my community!  More art classes!  More!  More!  It's was like a chant happening in my head.  I worked closely with my hometown to set up a free art lesson table during their weekly street fair, and I scheduled a Wine & Paint Party with a local eatery.  Could this be enough?

Yes, for now.

All this required a complete overhaul of  It was the home base for this blogspot blog, but is now officially the home base of No Corner Suns Art Studio:  Creative Art Classes for all ages.

If you have downloaded worksheets in the past, or see the "" url on my resources, rest assured you will still get directed here via the "art teacher resources" tab. is now the hub for my classes and events in the community. I hope you have a chance to check it out!  Thanks!

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