
Monday, October 20, 2014

Oooohhhhh NoCornerSuns.Blogspot.Com how I've missed you....

To say this year is a little hectic is an understatement.

This is about what my world feels like right now. #artteacherproblems (amirite?)

My School:

My schedule has changed so I've been teaching more (less planning time = less blogging time)
Our school district implemented a new grading system, unit planning system, email, lesson plan system, evaluations...& I have a new principal.
The new art standards are in effect, so my plans and things from the past all need to be reworked.
Common Core is nipping at my toes too!


I opened an ART STUDIO!

What started as this little pipe dream of years past has blossomed into a full blown small business.  It took many months, many tears, many muscles, and many terrific friends & family help - but I did it, and it's real.
Here's Mike.  He owns Weston Travel.  No Corner Suns moved to his vacant room upstairs.  Look how happy I am to get the keys.  Look how happy Mike is to get my rent check.

From the frustration with the climate of art education in the public schools, the lack of quality arts enrichment classes in my community, and those damn wine & paint events where everyone PAINTS THE SAME THING,  No Corner Suns Art Studio was born offering classes for everyone!  I am currently teaching a few elementary classes after school and have been hosting BYOB events and  art parties for kids. it. is. so. cool.

My beautiful and wonderful friend, Val made this sign!
I like to display my students' work in the windows downstairs for all the cars and pedestrians to see.  Featured here are my K-2s Matisse inspired collages.

I am lucky to be in a great community and have lots of support.  My years as a public school art educator are serving me well, and I just looooooooveeeee sharing it with so many new faces.  I have many things on the horizon for No Corner Suns!  But, I'd like to get back to this blog.  I know that my first love is art education, and being in the classroom, but a close second is writing about art ed. and sharing EVERYTHING I've learned over the past 16 years.... Ugh!  16 years?  I'm like a pro now.

And After.
So, consider this a warning - New posts will be arriving daily.  To learn more about my school classroom, please visit   or and to see more cool pix from No Corner Suns Art Studio, visit my Flickr page!

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