
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Successful art projects at a birthday party? Yes! Art Party: Frozen

I started hosting birthday parties at my studio, No Corner Suns.  Of course, the first party that booked wanted a Frozen themed party and project.  I was charged with coming up with an actual art lesson around the wildly popular movie.  I scoured Pinterest, but was having a hard time finding fun lessons...not just put-together projects.

Knowing my class would be wildly excited 8 year old girls lead most of my decision for these projects.  When the girls arrived they built and designed their own Snow Queen Wands.  I stocked up on silvery shiny papers, streamers, ribbons, duck tape, and a die-cuts.  I taught the girls how to cut snowflakes as they arrived.  It was differentiated!

We cleaned up our wands and got ready for our real project...Do you want to build a snowman?  Using Olaf as our guide, the girls built a snowman collage.  I sometimes teach a variation of this lesson to kindergartners during my normal public school teaching. I was SOO afraid we were going to run out of time during the party, that I kind of over prepared and it. Instead of running out of time, we had a ton of time leftover.  Ooops.  Do not do that with a group of wild 8 year old girls.

Fortunately, mom brought a game, we ate cake, opened presents, and I had plenty of recyclables and fun masking tape for a little Open Studio Time.  I think they loved the tin can/toilet paper tube/plastic lid/masking tape projects better than the actual projects! And, it kept them all busy while parents came to pick them up!

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