
Monday, January 12, 2015

Jamberry Crazy! O'Keeffe, van Gogh, & Haring wraps for your finger nails!

I've mentioned before how matching my fingernails to the projects I'm teaching is kind of crazy cat ladyish - but that is what happens when you are obsessed.

I'm a Jamberry nails rep and I can't get enough of their Nail Art Studio.  You basically upload .jpgs and you can make your nails look like or match anything.  Plus, with a good application your wraps will last 10+ days.  Do I sound like a salesman?  Well, on top of that you get two manicures and two pedicures/sheet.

I'm showing off my most recent designs because I will be putting in an order by the end of the month (1/15). If you are interested, just email me and I can hook you up.  They are $25/sheet or $20/sheet if you'd like two or more.

No Corner Suns
Starry Night

Good Mythical Morning.  Any Rhett & Link fans out there?  My daughter is their biggest fan.

O'Keeffe's Southwest.  I had these on last week and they are a little too close to my skin color, but looked pretty anyway. 
Keith Haring!  Perfect for Valentine's day!


  1. I love those Keith Haring nails! I want some!!!! Perfect for a Keith Haring unit I'm thinking about doing next month!

    1. I will be putting in an order at the end of this week (1/24). Let me know if you want me to order them for you!
