
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Kindergarten Mondrian Paintings with Black tape and tempera cakes!

I see kindergarten at the very end of the day for one hour.  It's already February, and it is still a struggle.

However, they really took to Mondrian!  We looked at some of his paintings and watched this cute little YouTube video:

Next, I passed out the black masking tape and let the kids start to build shapes with the straight black lines.  This took them about 40 minutes.  They were doing an excellent job and were very careful with the tape and scissors.

We used Primary Colored Tempera Cakes the next hour to paint in our shapes.  Almost immediately they started mixing - which as far as Mondrian is concerned - is just terrible.  As far as a kindergarten art teacher is concerned - it was fantastic!  "I made Green!"  "How did you make violet?"  "My yellow looks brown!!"  It was fun, and I do not think it diminished the finished product at all.
In the beginning there was red, yellow, & blue.

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