
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Merry Christmas Art Lesson Directions Bundle

I put together a bundle of my K-2  Catholic School Christmas Art Lessons directions.  As I mention in the description, the end products aren't very unique from one another when they are finished, but they are cute when done in the children's own hands. 
It's the constant struggle of "step-by-step do this and it will look awesome" vs. "have at it kid".  The end results of these three lessons come out fantastic for my K-1s especially.  I know my second graders can do more riveting things.  Parents love them and tend to purchase lots of things on Artsonia, which makes me happy.  Plus, we do learn valuable skills along the way.  Think of it as process and skills over product.  That helps me sleep better.

See more in our Artsonia Galleries:

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