Thursday, January 23, 2014

Free art sub lesson: The Circle Game! Adapted from Ande Cook's Art Starters

The Circle Game asks students to come up with as many different things as they can from one circle.  I thought this activity was really fun!  However, my elementary students were not that interested.  Most of my kids' papers were dull circles with a scribble on them.  I think older kids might "get it" better.

I have included the handout from Ande Cook's Art Starters as well as my lesson plan with all the directions for a sub.

The Ande Cook handouts were part of a SchoolArts subscription, or you can get her book: Art Starters 


  1. I hope you don't mind. I posted a link to this blog entry on my blog for art teachers. jan

  2. Thanks for sharing. Such a fun idea.

  3. Great fun minus the bomb example.

  4. I used this for my sub lesson today. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for sharing this! I teach elementary school, and I think this is great to have in my "bag of tricks" for emergency work!

  6. Thank you for sharing. Perfect

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